Six ways you can support retailers now

April 2, 2020
by SPINS Marketing



COVID-19 has affected the lives of nearly everyone in the United States and in many parts of the world. Teams in many industries are responding with urgency and creativity to meet challenges they’ve never faced before and to keep people safe.

Retailers and CPGs are providing vital services to ensure people can get the food, health and wellness products, and services they need.  In an uncertain time, that creates a level of security and certainty that is badly needed.  

We surveyed several retailers and asked them to provide feedback on how their suppliers/CPGs can help them navigate the changing market over the next few weeks.  Here’s what they said:

  1. Supply chain is the top area of interest
  2. Proactive shopper messaging could help the supply chain 
  3. In-store retail support would be appreciated
  4. Promotions are needed to engage shoppers in the upcoming weeks
  5. Are there lessons from 2008-2009 on value that are relevant for today?
  6. Other things they want you to know